I don’t really have a title for this post — seriously just look at this dog

Imma try to keep this one short since we have an early morning to get in some solid climbing tomorrow.

Magpie and Lolz made cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning — a first on any team trip! They were super good, but a lot of sugar in the morning, and errybody was wired. After they turboed their way through their chores, we went to go play some Ultimate Frisbee at a nearby park. Someone had the great idea to put a tiny Exposure shirt on Martinez, so he spent the entirety of today being the cutest thing ever. I don’t know what it is … but dogs in clothing reduce me to hysterics — both laughing and crying — I just can’t handle it.


Ultimate was pretty short-lived. The humidity here is just too unreal. My glasses fog when I walk outside. We were eating pizza at Miguel’s last night, and Brosler looks around at all of us and asks, “Is anyone else sweating just while eating?” And we were. We were definitely sweating just from eating.


Going cliff jumping after was perfect, then. The water is surprisingly cold, and feels so dang good when you’re overheating. The boys got into so many water shenanigans – as soon as I would set the camera down, they’d be doing something else ridiculous so I’d have to whip it out again to capture SO MANY KODAK MOMENTS (mostly of them throwing each other but whatevs.) Breezy did a super awesome backflip off the cliff, which was a lot braver than the rest of us, who were content with the classic cannon ball / accidental belly flop.


After we burned some energy off at the cliff, we quickly changed back at the house and headed into Winchester. We had lunch at our usual sandwich shop, and Breezy spent the entirety of lunch convincing Kyle to take everyone to a movie. She has been obsessed with seeing the movie “Nerve,” and has apparently seen the trailer “over 100x times.” She won out, and we went to the local theater. A bunch of people went to go see Nerve, and the rest of us had a bad time because we went to see the scary movie “Light’s Out.” I let the little girls talk me into seeing it with them, and I swear I am the only one who’s scarred for life. I am 25-years old and considering sleeping with a night light tonight, obviously because light’s out is when they creepy demon witch will get you and ain’t nobody got time for that.

A quick trip to Walmart to grocery shop was a great way to recover from the trauma — tomorrow is a note day so some ridiculous things were bought. Merritt is the face of pure evil and bought a creepy rubber grabber hand, and has been scaring the daylights out of everyone with it ever since.

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