Last full climbing day at the Red!

Last full climbing day today! The Red decided to make it one to remember by making it one of the most humid, yet. How people live in this on a daily basis, I don’t know. I have taken two showers today and still feel like walking dirt.

So … something momentous happened this morning that I never thought I would see.

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I don’t really have a title for this post — seriously just look at this dog

Imma try to keep this one short since we have an early morning to get in some solid climbing tomorrow.

Magpie and Lolz made cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning — a first on any team trip! They were super good, but a lot of sugar in the morning, and errybody was wired. After they turboed their way through their chores, we went to go play some Ultimate Frisbee at a nearby park. Someone had the great idea to put a tiny Exposure shirt on Martinez, so he spent the entirety of today being the cutest thing ever. I don’t know what it is … but dogs in clothing reduce me to hysterics — both laughing and crying — I just can’t handle it.

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Stuck in the mud

Wow, what a long day! Today was a note day, so of course this morning was hectic as everyone scrambled to make their lunch so they could surreptitiously leave it out so someone could stuff a note, a hand mirror, a bike helmet, or watermelon into it. I knew some weird things were planned for note day, says the Orphanage was oddly quiet last night …

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Note day shout out to Lolz!

Hey Lolz!

(Anyone seeing this that is not Lolo, don’t mention it to her cuz she may not have seen this yet!)

I decided to take advantage of the fact that I have access to the blog to write your note! Sorry for the public embarrassment … But I was so happy when I pulled your name, cuz it meant I could pull some stuff out of the Team Texas photo archives that you may, or may not want to see.

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Team Texas does PsicoBloc — Lexington style

Today was pretty uneventful (maybe a good thing? I dunno if any of y’all are friends with Keri Stephens, Beans’ mom, but she had the funniest Facebook status  yesterday about how epic just picking her son up was). Since Kyle left at like, 3 am to drop his son off at the airport and then pick up Breezy, the house was surprisingly quiet and peaceful – no one screaming the “It’s time to get up song,” no one to lament “UGH do I have to do your job AND mine?” or no one to subtly encourage the boys to hide all the remaining mirrors in the house.

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“This night has been a series of disappointments”

Rest day best day! After a leisurely wake up, Lolo and Magpie made us pancakes for breakfast! To offset how awesome the pancakes were, Kyle cracked down on everyone and made us do chores 4 dayzzzz. The house was cleaned up and down, the vans were vacuumed out, and most everyone had to get a lesson in cleaning routes. By the time everything was said and done, we didn’t leave the house until after 1 pm.

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