RIP Lolo’s Cornrows

Hey y’all! Today was pretty rough because we were three days on…but everyone killed it. We showed up to the gym and split up into two groups. The speed-only kids started with Stan and did laps on laps on laps until lunch. Another group began upstairs and did workout stations with Matt and Ellis. The rest of the kids went with Kyle for some mental training and ATC belay practice. We pretty much worked nonstop until the break before the second session. After lunch we had a speed comp and then were allowed to session or work out until we left the gym for dinner at 6. Even though they were super exhausted after three full days of training, everybody was motivated to get on the wall and get pumped again! Even Kyle got in a few routes.

We are definitely in need of a rest day (especially if it’s going to involve French toast).

After a delicious dinner (where Mattie attempted to eat an ENTIRE CHICKEN), we headed back to the house and got ready for ultimate! This time we were joined by Palmer, Dalton, and Lizzie from the momentum team. It was a great game even though I hit the ground a few times… I think it’s safe to say that our team cares almost as much about ultimate as we do rock climbing.


In other news, Lolo got rid of her cornrows and now has really amazing, poofy hair. RIP rows.


Highlights from the coaches and some of the boys:

Stan’s favorite part of the day was ultimate and watching Bob Dylan catch literally every pass thrown his way. He also did some speed coaching…but ultimate is definitely the priority.

Ellis was really psyched about how hard everybody worked upstairs during the exercise stations.

Matt’s favorite part of the day was hanging out with Ellis and I at the coffee shop and coaching onsighting/the exercise stations.

Kyle enjoyed watching everyone get psyched for the afternoon speed comp. Also, Koen sent three routes today!

2 chainz “got freakin’ plowed” and enjoyed dabbing/whipping to the sick songs in the gym.

Gentry’s favorite part was sitting at home wishing he was playing ultimate… 😦

Nick’s favorite part of the day was knocking me to the ground in ultimate and feeling so bad that he volunteered to make my lunches for the rest of the trip. Thanks dude!


Until tomorrow,



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