Rest day in Atlanta

With Nationals a week away, we started our morning off right once again. With donuts. Sublime never ceases to amaze me with its deliciously fattening choices from s’mores, to Reese’s, to nutella. Once full of sugary delights, we went home and chilled until it was time for round 2-lunch time. Because its AMY’S BIRTHDAY, she got to choose where we went! We drove downtown to the famous burger/hotdog joint the Varsity. Unfortunately, half of Atlanta decided to eat there for lunch as well! Crazy how that worked out! It was a good experience with its local-flav burgers and orange cream shakes.

It’s no wonder how we climb so hard with all our healthy meals!

We spent the next 1 1/2 hours driving to the “movies” aka the mall aka Barnes and Noble. Aka go to Barnes and Noble, attempt to go to a movie theater, attempt to go to ANOTHER movie theater, only to end up back at the hotel movie-less. That’s alright though! We had a good taco and froyo (for those who don’t know, that is frozen yogurt) for Amy’s birthday! Pretty relaxed day full of food, no pun intended, and everyone’s getting settled in for bed to prepare for climbing tomorrow.

Shoutout to 2 members of the Team Texas family: Amy, congrats on making it to your 18th year of life today! We love you! Ahmed, we all just watched you in the hotel on American Ninja Warrior dominate on tv! Some talented people we have in this family, that’s for sure.

Some quick words to our beloved Amy from the team:

Morgan: Happy Birthday!

Ner: Happy Birthday Amy. congrats on turning 18! I love you!

Bethany: Happy Birthday! I can’t believe you’re 18!

Claire: We love you, happy 18th!

Ilana: Happy 18th birthday, I’m glad I got to share this day with you!

Maxime: Happy birthday, I love you Amy!

Rita: Happy birthday!

Callie: You’re a great friend, happy bday.

Brendan: I hope you win money on lottery tickets.

Dana: Happy birthday, I hope you enjoy being an adult!

LoLo: Happy birthday, you’re the best!

Tiny: Happy birthday #3! …For Germany!

MacGruber: Happy birthday!

Wee man: HTC from AT&T.

Terra: Happy birthday Amy! I love you a lot!

Andrew: You’re the bees knees.

Durantula: Happy birthday, you no longer have to lie about your age.

Ben: Have a good bday.

Peyton: Happy birthday, you’re awesome.

Maggie: I’m happy to finally get to be with you on your bday.

Dominic: Happy birthday, I hope your birthday is the best one yet!

Gentry: Happy birthday, you’re s great person.

John: Happy birthday!

Tiffany: Darling, you are truly the sweetest girl I have ever met! You’re entering adulthood, how exciting! No matter who you meet, or where you go, someone will always be inspired by your sweet smile. Enjoy your day. You are a princess! ❤

Coach Kyle: I’m so lucky I’ve gotten to spend the last 7 birthdays with you! Thanks for being you, you’re a boss, happy birthday!

Happy birthday Amykins!!

If I said we were worthless yesterday, I take that back. Today, we were totally lazy and worthless. We woke up at noon, and were greeted with a box full of donuts from Kyle. He had gotten up early and gone to Sublime, and picked up enough donuts for everyone to have one. It was a pretty sweet way to start the day.

And then it was back to the TV! Chris and some of the girls had a pretty epic battle over the remote. He wanted to watch golf…they didn’t. He eventually won, but they most certainly did not go quietly. As soon as he would gain control of the remote and settle in to watch (in my opinion) the most boring sport in existence, they would pull another remote out of nowhere and change the channel. He eventually had to pretty much ban them from the room.

After eating lunch in the room, we went to a nearby mall so Kyle could pick out a new pair of jeans. He did surprisingly well picking out a new pair, considering he had Ner, Peyton, and Maggie as his fashion advisors.

At the gym, the kids worked on redpointing and speed climbing. It was our last day on, so they all destroyed themselves. Our hands are not used to the super textured surfaces of the plastic holds, so we’re all sporting some pretty gnarly jug rash. Kyle promised them all a “surprise” after them gym closed at 10. If you guessed that the “surprise” was not a good thing, then you are a grand prize winner. Turns out the gym had a wireless mic that hooked up to all the speakers in the gym. Kyle used it to interview, harass, sing to, and generally insult everyone with. I don’t think it left his hands for the rest of the night. We finished the night up with some abs.

We’re just about to go to bed, to get ready for the epicness that will be tomorrow! It’s Amy’s birthday (technically it’s now, because it’s after midnight), and we’re making it a totally rad day for her. Happy 18th Amy!

Lazy day shenanigans

With the exception of our climbing tonight, today was a lazy day for sure. We woke up at a leisurely 11 o’clock or so, and sat around for much of the day, eating cereal and watching TV. We collectively lost a whole lot of brain cells just vegging in front of the TV. A group of girls did venture out, and went to a nearby fruit stand to pick up some pretty fantastic local produce. For others of us, it wasn’t until 4 pm or so that we emerged from our hotel rooms to go to a local, totally awesome coffee shop. Kyle was convinced that he will save money if instead of buying coffee for the guides every morning, he could buy a coffee maker and brew it in the room. So he did. But the whole money saving thing is null and void if he ends up buying everyone more coffee later…

So we rolled up into the gym at around 5, and immediately took over, as usual. We organized a little onsight comp for the kids. They all climbed pretty ok today,  but I think we found some things we need to work on. Luckily we have another day tomorrow to train!

We had an awesome dinner of spaghetti in the parking lot, but unfortunately forgot to bring forks. So eating spaghetti with just spoons was pretty dang awkward, and not graceful in any way. But we’re Team Texas, and can persevere through any hardship. Although, I must say, having to eat spaghetti with a spoon is a quintessential first world problem.

It’s almost 1 am right now, and it looks like we’re about to wrap it up soon.

Kyle literally told the kids they’re “going to die tomorrow,” so get excited to read about the devious ways he finds to absolutely crush these kids.

Fire alarms, donuts, and laundry! Bet you wanna read this post, don’t you?

We got the worst wake up you could ever imagine this morning, with the exception, perhaps, of waking to find that a great white shark has partially eaten you. At 6 am, we were woken up by the shrill shriek of the hotel’s fire alarms. We dashed out of bed, sleepy and terrified, only to find that there was no fire. False alarm, but for real. And it continued to false alarm for the next 45. Minutes. Straight. For some reason all the other alarms had quit their racket,  but only the alarm in the girls’ room stubbornly persisted until the fire department showed up a leisurely 45 minutes later.

After grabbing a couple more hours of sleep, most of us woke up early to go to Sublime Donuts. After eating far too many donuts than we should have, we gathered up our stuff and did laundry.

I ditched the laundromat to pick up everyone’s favorite Stan! We’re super excited to have him a part of the trip! Hopefully his ever-present jokes will distract us from Kyle’s complete lack of humor.

After vegging in front of the hotel room TVs for a bit, we roused ourselves to go to the gym. From 10 to probably one tonight, we will have the gym all to ourselves. Unfortunately with such freedom comes the ability to blare whatever music we want in the gym, no matter how crappy. We are currently blasting some of the worst rap I have ever heard.

Kyle made a deal with Weeman that if he ran 5 miles on a treadmill, he’d buy the junior guides their own hotel room. So what did Weeman do? Of course he immediately went and ran 5 miles. You gotta be careful about making deals with the boys, because you’re never going to win.

It’ll definitely be a late night for sure, and hopefully an even later morning! I think we all earned the right to sleep in.

Sssssplendid Tuessssday

BA and I woke up at 6:30 this morning to go support Tiny on his final attempt to send Transworld, 5.14a!  Although insanely early, it was perfect sending temps and the three of us were psyched. Well…they were psyched while I was freezing in my hoodie and sweatpants in the chilling 70 degree air. Tiny climbed great and barely missed the last hold of the crux, falling at his highpoint. He was disappointed but had a good attitude, pulled up to finish the route, and came down happy to have had the opportunity to try it one last time. Awesome burn, bud!

We returned to the cabin as the others woke up one by one and ate egg sandwiches and nutella toast for breakfast. This delicious breakfast made up for the next few hours of packing up the trailer, pop-up, and barn. We finished putting the ridiculously creepy decorations away (you know, those old teddy bears and kid toys that look like they’re always staring at you…) that probably shouldn’t have been in the barn in the first place. The team loaded up, and off we went!…5 minutes down the road to the Shell station. Once the final beef jerky and Ale8 purchases were made, off we went again!…20 minutes to Winchester for lunch. We finished eating, and off we went!…30 seconds to Starbucks. Kyle got his coffee fix, and off we went for real this time! It’s amazing how we can manage to drive only 30 miles in a span of 2+ hours.

The drive wasn’t too bad, with only a few more Starbucks stops and a dinner stop at a mall food court. Kyle insists that we all eat together-and I don’t mean near each other. I mean everyone’s tables in the food court must be touching because we are a team. Although it took longer to rearrange every table in the middle of the mall than to eat our actual meals, I see Kyle’s point. Even though that much effort was a tad excessive.

All the girls are settling down in our room while the boys are (hopefully) settling down in theirs. It’s been a long day, but we’re happy to be here.

Mainly because of Sublime Donuts (a donut shop here in Atlanta).

Because we love donuts.

Because we pretend to rock climb, when all we do is eat.

In particular, donuts.

Breakfast of champions.

By the way, the Australian accent has been replaced by talking with a spitty “lisp.” Parents, I apologize if your children talk like this to you. It is my bad, for I wore my retainer in public and making fun of “sssstupid Sssshannon” has caught on. It’s ok, I know I’m sssssmart.

Can’t wait to see y’all soon!

Peaccccce out folkssssss

Last day at the Red! ):

Today was our last climbing at the Red! Everyone got their last runs on their projects today, and I have to say that it was a pretty good day.

Ben sent Snooker, a 13a.

BA sent White Man’s Overbite, a 13c.

John got high point on BOHICA, a 13b.

​Weeman sent Super Slab, a crazy impossible slab 12c.

​Ellery sent Check Your Grip, a 12b, and worked Chainsaw Massacre, a 12a.

Durantula sent Tuna Town, a 12d.

Maggie sent Ale8, a 12b.

Emerson sent Gung Ho, 12b

Gentry sent Gung Ho, too. He also sent my old project, the good old jugline, except without the aid of an ascender. Chris bet him an Ale 8 he couldn’t, so of course he had to, being Gentry and incredibly stubborn. He instead just inched his way up it, just using a Gri Gri. He would boing himself up, only inches at a time. It took him all day, but he did it! Whether it not it was worth it has yet to be determined.

Shanaynay got her new high point on the Madness, a 13c.

Chris one fell Transworld Depravity, a 14a.

MacGruber worked Tissue Tiger, a 12b.

Amykins, after years of working it, finally sent Tissue, last run of the day! She absolutely rolled the crux on her send run. I know how hard it is to send longstanding projects, so good job Amy!

Ilana worked both Tissue and Gung Ho.

Maxime sent Fuzzy Undercling, an 11?, on lead today!

In a spurt of fitness, I too, sent Fuzzy!

Morgan worked Chainsaw and Ale8.

Terra also worked Chainsaw and Ale8.

Tiny one fell Transworld.

Dana worked Pushin Up Daisies, a 13c.

Callie worked 40 Ounces of Justice, a 13a.

Brandon worked Omaha.

Peyton worked Snooker, a 13a.

Bethany worked 40 Ounces.

Rita sent Harvest, a 12d.

LoLo also sent Harvest.

Claire worked Angry Birds, a 13c and Snooker.

Dominic worked Last of the Bohicans, a 13d.

Andrew worked Snooker.

We had one last dinner at Miguel’s, and will probably end up shooting fireworks at some point tonight. Stay tuned to see if anyone gets caught on fire!

Sunday Funday!!!


Our last first day on at the Red ):

We spent our day well, though, and we absolutely crushed it today. I think the kids knew that their time here is limited, so they turned it on today. We tried to get an early start, but as usual….didn’t…

The send list is as follows:

Amy sent Chainsaw Massacre, a 12a, and worked Tuna Town, a 12d.

I forgot to mention that Ilana sent Primus Noctum, a 12a, two days ago, and worked Check Your Grip, a 12b, today.

Brian sent Transworld Depravity, a 14a today. Totally beast!

MacGruber sent Primus 12a today, on his last run of the day.

John finally sent Easy Rider, a 13a today! He absolutely rolled it, as we thought he would. He also worked Pimp Juice, a 13b.

Maggie sent Primus Noctum today, too.

Lolo sent Snooker, a 13a. Tuna Town, a 12d, and Ale-8 One, a 12b.

Claire sent Pimp Juice 13b, and fell at the last hold of Angry Birds, a 13c.

Rita crushed it today, and sent Snooker, Resurrection, a 12c, and Tuna Town, a 12d.

Ben onsighted Resurrection. He’s only had half the time we all have at the Red, and is just now starting to find his Red groove.

Maxime sent 3 5.10s today on lead! Make a Wish, a 10b, Breakfast Burrito, a 10c, and Fire and Brimstone, a 10d. After his lead-fest, he worked Spirit Fingers, an 11c, on top-rope.

Durantula sent Ale-8 One, a 12b, and worked Tuna Town.

Gentry sent Primus Noctum first try of the day, and then went to the Lode to work Chainsaw and Tuna Town.

Morgan worked Check Your Grip, a 12b.

Terra worked Chainsaw, Ale-8 and Tuna Town.

Emerson got her high point on Ale-8 and worked Tuna Town.

Bethany worked 40 Ounces of Justice, a 13a.

Ilana worked Check Your Grip.

Weeman worked Harvest, a 12d, and broke a jug at the top.

Dominic worked Ultra Perm, a 13d.

Tiny worked Angry Birds and Southern Smoke.

Ellery worked Primus Noctum and Check Your Grip.

Shanaynay got fit, and did five pitches today!

I can’t say the same, and can boast only two pitches. I gave Spirit Fingers a solid burn, but alas, am lacking the stamina.

Andrew worked Harvest.

Brendan worked Omaha.

Carson (before he left us) worked Spirit Fingers.

Dana worked Ultra Perm and tied Claire in an onsight competition on Pimp Juice. Apparently it’s proud to tie Claire!

Callie worked 40 Ounces.

Chris one-fell Transworld.

Peyton worked Easy Rider.

Kyle sent the drive to drop Carson off at military camp in ?

Sadly, Carson had to leave us today. He’s going to some crazy military camp to learn how to survive the zombie apocalypse… or something to that nature. We’re going to miss him and his ever-present hammock! God forbid I have to sit on the ground…I’m gonna miss that hammock.

On a totally random note, Ellery has become the songstress of the team. She is constantly singing. Or shall I say, “singing.” Her songs never seem to have a tune, and her lyrics tend to just be about the people and things surrounding her. But we have all becomed entertained by her, as long as she isn’t singing about you. Because she tends to light people on fire in her lyrics.

We climbed pretty late today, and had tacos for dinner. It’s supposed to be an early night so we can have another “early morning”, but we’ll see.

Stay tuned to hear about our last day at the Red tomorrow!

Last rest day at the Red!


Kyle is giving a speech at a meeting currently, and instead of listening I’m blogging hehe. He thinks I care what he’s saying…

Pancakes this morning were delicious, thanks to Morgan! Me and Gentry got chocolate chip. Speaking of Gentry, we played that game of chess today. I would’ve won if he hadn’t cheated his way to check-mate! Our game was rudely interrupted today by two very important events. Event #1: A bat was found under the porch of the barn! Caillin named it BatMan (creative) Event #2: Weeman and Tiny were plotting John’s traditional just-sent-my-first-5.13 swirly, and wanted to make it appear as if someone used the toilet just before his face made contact with it. So the boys poured some tea into the toilet bowl, and gave John the best, most nasty looking swirly I have ever seen. All out of love, John! Congrats on your first 5.13!

After typical morning shenanigans, the groups got together and cleaned the barn. We went into town for lunch at a local sandwich shop called Gaunce’s Shop. After we ate, we went to the movies! I saw Prometheus with some of the others, and was very disappointed. Let’s just say aliens aren’t really my thing. Apparently Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was pretty good though! (Caillin’s note: In actuality, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was horrendous. I would not advise seeing it unless you hate American history…and America.)Our normal rest day trip to WalMart was next on the list, where Morgan and I got burgers and veggie-burgers for All America Night! They were delicious once again thanks to Chris and BA. Special treat of the night? S’mores! They were so good, especially when Weeman accidently flung one onto his face. It was quite the experience.

All America Night isn’t the same without fireworks, but don’t worry parents! Your children will be shooting off roman candles at each other Monday! (just kidding, a nice, safe firework show will be presented for the children) Today was unfortunately Carson’s last day with us ): We will all miss him very much!

It is an early night back at the cabin, resting up for a long day of climbing tomorrow! Just two climbing days left, let’s make them count!

These kids are crushing it!!


Second day on sends!!! We crushed it today. With only two days left of climbing at the Red after today, we really had to turn it on to get our projects sent!

Ellery sent Far From God, a super tall, crazy pumpy—with terrifying run-outs—12b.

Gentry sent Primus Noctum, a 12a.

Maxime sent Whipstocking, an 11a on lead!  Honestly who climbs 5.11 as their 1st lead route. NICE WORK

Chris LoCrasto onsighted Pimp Juice, a 13b. It’s the hardest on-sight of the trip so far!

Peyton sent Tuna Town, the longest 12d ever in the Madness Cave.

Terra sent Check Your Grip, a 12b.

John had a heartbreaker today. He fell off the finishing jug of Easy Rider, a 13a. He had literally hit the jug, gave a celebratory whoop, and was clipping when he suddenly popped. I wanted to cry just watching it. John took it like a champ, though. He didn’t get mad or sulk, just resolved himself to send it next time.

Lolo sent 40 Ounces of Justice, a 13a, second try

Emerson worked Ale 8 One, a 12b and worked Tuna Town…tears were involved, but she survived!

Bethany sent Ale-8, a HARD 12b, and Tuna Town, a 12d, which was an epic send cuz it was the last run of the day. (Kyle was literally yelling at everyone to get their stuff packed up as she was climbing) in the blazing sun, having just fallen off the finishing hold on the previous run! Editors note: The best sends are when your skin is on fire, the sending conditions are terrible, everyone is waiting on you to head to Miguel’s, but something inside of you tells you that if you can muster up the courage to get you shoes on and get tied in, and manage the pain throbbing in your finger tips, you’ll slay the beast and send!  And no matter how much everyone wants to leave, the entire crag unifies, cheering for every hold, encouraging through progression and finally eruptsing as her chicken-wing-ing, crazy pumped arms clip the chains!

Durant—after 4 tries on ale-8 with no send—finished off the day by sending Chain Saw Massacre, a 12a

MacGruber worked Primus Noctum.

Carson worked Spirit Fingers, an 11c.

Brendan worked Beer Belly, a 13b and gave an on-sight run to Pimp Juice, a 13b

Weeman worked Angry Birds, a 13b.

Tiny sent Last of the Bohicans, a 13d

Ben worked Kaleidoscope, a 13c.

Andrew worked Kaleidoscope, too.

Ilana sent Pimus Notum 12a,

Rita sent 40, 12a second try

Dana put in 6 epic pitches in the Madness Cave! No sends but still pretty amazing to climb that many moves in the cave.

Callie worked Easy Rider, 13a.

Amy fell clipping the chains of Chain Saw

Claire worked Angry Birds, 13c.

Dominic worked Last of the Bohicans.

Shanaynay worked Angry Birds.

We had a little bit of rain today, but it wasn’t enough to stop us from climbing! Luckily the walls are so overhung that we barely felt a drop. It did, unfortunately, make Carson take his ever-present hammock down.

After regrouping at the barn, we took the kids for dinner at Miguel’s. Nathan Hadley joined us for dinner, and will be hanging with us until Sunday! Good luck finding a place to sleep, Nathan!

Luckily we can sleep in tomorrow, so it’s totally ok that the kids are running around right now, all hopped up on pizza and sugar. Tomorrow is our last rest day in Kentucky (ultra sad face), so hopefully we can make the most of it.

Yesterday’s post…TODAY!


(This is yesterday’s post for the rest day.. Sorry I was unable to post last night!)

Today was a sad day! Wyatt went home ):. His presence will be missed! He always had a positive attitude, and was willing to help keep the younger kids in line. Despite his music ADD (an inability to listen to any given song for more than 30 seconds),  he was always a good DJ. For 30 seconds at a time. Wyatt, I hope you have a good time back in Dallas, and know that we’re thinking of you! Just don’t go on any night walks towards murder barns alone, Qyatt.

So despite the crushing loss of everyone’s favorite Wyatt, it was a good rest day. We tried to sleep in, but we blew the breaker in the barn, and the AC in both the barn and the guide’s camper went out. So I woke up early, because it was hotter than the center of the sun in the camper. I knew the kids were feeling it too, because there were already several of them attempting to cool off outside by the time I emerged from the camper.

After recovering the use of AC, we made French toast for breakfast. (I assume it’s Maxime’s absolute favorite…cuz he’s French. We tried to make him teach us French words this morning, but he just rolled his eyes at our horrible pronunciation.) After breakfast, we did chores. Wyatt had to be in Lexington to be picked up by family, so we eventually made our way into town.

Our first stop, before even getting lunch, was Barnes and Noble. Kyle is obsessed with bookstores, so we set the kids loose on the place for about an hour and a half so he and the guides could peruse magazines in peace.

We ate lunch at Chipotle, and then had a lengthy debate as to what we should do with the rest of our day in Lexington. After voting several times, we decided on going swimming over a movie. I googled a pool, we drove 8 miles there, and Kyle decided, as soon as we arrived in the parking lot, that that was not the pool for us. Because it didn’t have a diving board. Literally, the deciding factor for our day’s enjoyment was whether or not this pool had a diving board. Without even getting out of the cars, we turned around and went to a mall. (Which, might I add, did not have a diving board, either.) Tiny was miraculously not kicked out of Brookstone after using every massage machine in the place, simultaneously.

Wyatt’s family came to get him before we left the mall, and it was a very hysterically tearful goodbye. The Matrix split to go grocery shopping, and the vans moseyed their way home. Nothing was really accomplished in Lexington that couldn’t have happened in much closer Winchester, but it doesn’t matter cuz we had a good time.

After arriving back at the barn, we put in the Muppet’s movie. Which Ellery knows all the words to every song. I was slightly ashamed of myself at first for watching it, but then got fairly involved into its plot. I held off eating dinner (jambalaya and grilled cheese) to get the closure I needed at the end of the movie. Spoiler alert: The Muppets did end up raising 10 million dollars in one night. Why can’t we dedicate this kind of energy to world hunger, or a cure for cancer?

It’s a climbing day tomorrow, so we’ll probably hit the sack soon. We’ve had our rest day now, so prepare yourselves for an epic list of sends tomorrow!